Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Summer So Far

Summer is off to a good start :)
The kids did a good job with chores yesterday, but today I left to take Joseph and Melodie to the dentist (no cavities again, woo!) so I wasn't around the house to keep everyone on task. They're keeping themselves busy though - there is some epic lego building going on. They're playing some Police game and another game called "RA" for "Runaway Aliens" where aliens are dressed up like humans and being heroes, but the police think they are bad and so the Aliens have to save everyone and then try to runaway and hide from the police. It's fun to see them lost in game. Every now and then they'll head outside to play. Lily is a really cute steamroller. She just zips across the trampoline like a little rolling pin, and it leaves her hair very staticy.
I'm still working on getting my master family management system up and running, and the parts I'm starting to implement are going okay. Last Friday I announced to everyone that Saturday is yard work day. They all raised their hands committing to follow me and my plans. Saturday morning arrived, and yippie skippie, half of the crew was sick. Hyrum had thrown up the night before...Saturday morning Sophi threw up, Wesley threw up, Corey was sick (threw up later in the afternoon and spent most the day in bed or near the toilet), Natalie pooped on my bed and carpet, then as I got her ready for the tub and let her run around free nilly, she peed on the carpet too. All before 8 am! I felt kinda sick too, and it appeared that the "family" part of "Family yard work day" was falling through, so I kinda gave up on most of it. I went out and mowed and edged, I had one helper in Joseph, and then I spotted a yard sale across the street. I figured it might help keep my spirits up if I went across the street and spent some money, right? I don't let myself go yard sale-ing much, it's too dangerous. I got lots of great stuff from a neighbor. I got this flower print chair cause I wanted for a reading corner in my room, but I couldn't figure out how to get it through the door to my bedroom, so it's downstairs by the recliner, and now they are officially called by the kids the "UP" chairs:
...you know, like from the movie UP? Corey and I sit in the thrones, the kids all on the couch before us. Our loyal subjects. So after a pretty much wasted Saturday, I tried to save it a little by heading out at 11:30 pm and dug three holes for the tomato plants. Today, as I documented Lily's steamroller, I started to dig more holes. Corey was trying to do music with the boys, so I had to get Sophi away from him. So I took her with me to Home Depot for the tomato cages. Then I also got squash, and zucchini, and more tomato plants and strawberries! Mel's gonna help me plant them tomorrow. 
I don't know what I'm doing, but will try to learn and hopefully we will enjoy some fruit of our labors in the fall!

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