Friday, June 20, 2014

Little Helpers

We had a great day cleaning the house, and I found it interesting... cause all the big kids were gone, so how is it that it went better with them than when I've got the older kids who should be and usually are my biggest and best helpers? I'm not sure, but these little helpers totally delivered. Joseph at work with Corey, Melodie had flute lesson and spent the day with grandparents, and Ethan's been gone at scout camp all week. I went to the store to get a present for Lily's birthday on Monday, and came home with some Little Debbie Cosmic Brownies to have on hand for a bribe to helpers. And it worked. I gave them all one brownie and said they could have another if they were my slaves for a half hour. "But slavery is wrong!" Ok, you're right, No slavery, how bout you guys do some service? And they worked hard for the extra brownie. Wes watched Natalie and the little girls while Abi and Hyrum were my shadows and we vacuumed and wiped counters and spiffied it all up. But I've had bribes before, so again, not sure what the difference was here.
But they earned their brownies and then worked a little more for ice cream too! It was a great day. Part of it might be because I got up early and did some positive self talk and watched the sun rise as I went on a walk. I do believe those things do a lot to help one's mood. I went to a yoga class with my church on Wednesday night and she shared some things like that. I didn't get as much out of the class as I would have liked cause I had Natalie climbing on me who was tired and fussy. But what I heard was great, I really liked it and am going to try to apply things she shared, she gave handouts. :)  I'll share those soon.

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