Saturday, June 21, 2014

Yard Work Success

Today was another good family work day! Started the day off right with some sunrise appreciation ~
Then I took a nap on the couch with Natalie. So we didn't all get up and attem' at my ideal time of 8 a.m., but better late than never. Luckily it was a bit overcast so it didn't get to hot on us. Melodie swept the porch and took care of her little sisters...
I started mowing and then Hyrum asked if he could! So I let him finish the back yard while I pushed around playsets and the trampoline.
Joseph did the front yard and I edged and edged some more. I really like edging! But I gotta figure out how to do it without having to readjust the twine 6 times. Still, I love having the curbing all uncovered.
 And there were enough rakes and pine needles for everyone to have plenty to do.
And Natalie is so cute. :)

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