Monday, July 21, 2014

Band Party

This past Saturday, our neighbors hosted a band party. The Ken Foster Trio came and performed songs and the kids danced, it was a lovely summer evening. (Doing the chicken dance below)
After chit chatting with the band for a minute, Corey went home and got the tenor sax. (He's trying to inspire Hyrum to play I think.) Hyrum listened and was a great helper with Natalie, who just couldn't stop moving to the rhythm.
Everyone enjoyed hotdogs plus lots of yummy side dishes and desserts. Melodie and her friend did their teenager thing
Abi danced and danced. When the band took a break, she went and joined the other kids in the sprinklers. But she did seem very happy to dance to her hearts content in front of a willing audience (as opposed to her slightly reluctant audience in pictures 3 and 4 there... she loves to perform!)
Hyrum played a bit of soccer in the yard of one of the hosts - and it is just one of the most gorgeous yards around - tall pine trees give it a "hey were in the mountains" feel, but there's also a view over the valley from the grass and swing set. A little hazy with the smokey air. But Lily and Hyrum loved it over there.
And thus was a perfect summer evening, which I feel are going to soon be coming to a close. I can hear the school year knocking at the door. Nooo!

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