Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Dribbling Toddler

Well, here it goes... continuing my attempt to catch up with the digital age, I here present my first attempt at taking videos with my phone, and my first attempt at uploading a video to the blog here since when we were in Chile. Let's see if this works... So on Sunday we were chilling in the front room and adoring Natalie's new toddler waddle. She's been taking steps here and there the past two weeks, but is officially on the go for real this week and now prefers walking to crawling. So we gave her room to practice and all smiled as we watched her. I guess she's all grown up (sniff). And since she is walking, she's also decided to waste no time to pick up her first sport...
Corey's advice to her when she stumbled as she dribbled the ball toward him: "I think you should master walking first..."
I think we have a little soccer player on our hands! Maybe by the time she's ready for soccer, I'll actually feel up to committing some of our family time to sports. It's a long shot, but a toddler can dream. :)

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