Tuesday, July 8, 2014

German Blood

Did you hear about today's game? The biggest humiliation in the history of Brazilian football. (And that is a country that takes their football history very seriously...) "Germany destroys Brazil" It was 5-0 at the end of the first half. "Fans in shock and tears" Great pictures here, and this picture was our favorite as we laughed at how sad it was.
So Joseph, Ethan, and I tuned in to the game around the 60 minute mark and kept checking the ESPN live feed about the game. They really got creamed. We were skyping with Corey to see if he was aware of the bad news. Final score: 7 to 1. It was so very humiliatingly sad. Ethan feels a great sense of loss since he thinks he's practically a Brazilian now. I had to let him know he has German blood in him, so try to feed that ego right now. Hibbert, my maiden name, is English, but it is derived from Hilbert (German) ~ which is derived from Hildebert (German) ~ which means "bright battle" from the Germanic elements hild "battle" and beraht "bright". So those Germans had to fight a good battle, cause they've got battle bright blood in them, just like us! And if we're German, then we've still got a team in the World Cup! We've been cheering for several teams the past few weeks ~ the US, Chile, Costa Rica... they've been eliminated one by one. Now Brazil's gone so we get to claim Germany. We're hoping to go see the Netherlands vs. Argentina game tomorrow. Natalie, you ready for the game?
Pictures from the Costa Rica vs Netherlands game, these are blurry cause it's hard to make this up and coming soccer star to stand still when there's a ball within reach!
Wait, first things first... let me get my princess crown on right.
(those little legs!)
Let me try again.... There. Perfect.
Say it Natalie ~ futbolfutbolfutbolfutbol
It was fun during the last game, she'd clap and cheer and wave her arms whenever we did, so it seemed like she knew what was going on in the game.
Gooooooooooooooal! Nataie's excited.
Do the wave!!
I think Natalie was cheering for the Dutch, cause when the Netherlands hit the ball off the crossbar in the Costa Rica game a few times, Natalie kept signing "What's up with that!?"
Ok, that's enough pictures of my baby girl that I'm in love with. And Wesley had a friend b-day party today. Wes and Tess (and Abi) went swimming, then home for cake and ice cream. 

 This was like his 5th birthday cake I think. No more, Wes, your birthday is really over now.

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