Monday, July 7, 2014

Beautiful Creations

I am so in love with flowers lately. I keep taking pictures, hoping to have a stack of art ideas that will provide me the inspiration to draw or paint a picture of one of the photos I take. Someday. The daisy's in our front yard ~ so pretty, they just make me sigh with contentment.
I meant to take the picture before any started to wilt, so I was a bit slow, but I'll paint them unwilted on that someday when I actually paint or draw something, but I should stop procrastinating. I have this little quote on my fridge "You know all those things you've always wanted to do? You should go do them." I've got a goal to do something by November this year... So anyway, yeah, I'm a little flower camera happy, took a ton of pictures of the Feverfew at Scout Camp last week. As I walked to the checkout today at Costco I grabbed my lil' point and shoot for a few snaps of the bouquets for sale. Kinda silly/weird, but I couldn't resisit.
Such loveliness! And today I spent 4+ hours with some high school friends working on our reunion plans. We went up to Solitude to see the place where we are going to have our 20 year party next month. Such beautiful gorgeous views of the mountains out of every window.
It's going to be a lovely evening. I'm excited. Although the whole thing is still a bit overwhelming.
Hopefully we won't lose to much sleep over it this next month before we arrive at the big event.

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