Thursday, July 10, 2014

One Year Old

Today is a big day! Natalie is one year old. We started off celebrating on her birthday eve with some cake and ice cream. Her big brothers held her hands so she wouldn't touch the flame as we sang happy birthday. Then we lighted it again and sang again.
And she got more freedom to move with each repeat. She would clap for an encore and we'd sing it again. Ethan kept her away from the flame and again and again we sang to our birthday baby.

Isn't she just THE CUTEST THING EVER?!?!?!? 
We'd all giggle as she clapped and would want to see her do it again so we'd sing again.
Natalie loved the singing. I think she could tell that we were all singing for her. She liked it.
This morning we let her open her presents outside on the trampoline. She thought they were just drums to hit and make music with, and was very content to use them forever that way. The kids were anxious to show her that there was more inside the presents to be enjoyed...
Abi helped her open her new cell phone! She was pretty excited about that.
She's such a happy baby. Love these kids. My hands and heart are full, thank you Lord!

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