Friday, July 11, 2014

To Do List

This morning Abi made a "to-do" list for herself. (I'm guessing she learned this by the quiet example of her older sister Melodie who always has a list of to-do's.) So, this is what Abi's list looks like: 
Starting from the top left corner: Get dressed. Eat cereal. Brush teeth. Play legos. Pack for Scofield. Draw. Make Bed. Fold Clothes. Clean up Legos. Jump on trampoline (I loved that picture). Read. Eat a burrito (loved that one too). Play with Duplos. Empty dishwasher, draw. Eat a cherry.

On my to-do list: Go shopping for watermelon lemonade supplies for Scofield. (that recipe is a summer keeper), water my pretty flowers, they make me sing:
...and, oh, 100 other things. There's always a lot to do. I'm doing pretty good at taking time to slow down and enjoy the little things, like our first two tomatoes! I love our little garden.
One month of summer vacation is already over, so go enjoy it, have a happy weekend!

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