Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Stepping Up the Ninja

Joseph and Ethan got back from their band tour in San Diego late on Sunday night. Ethan was in some weird mood on Monday morning and began playing "Ninja". He taught everyone "Now YOU can be a ninja too and all you need is just a simple t-shirt!"
It helped him step up the ninja-ness during the TV viewing of our family's current favorite show - AMERICAN NINJA WARRIOR!! (go listen to their host say that if you want to know the proper pronunciation there, lol :)
How quick are his reflex skills against his Ninja brother? Not bad. And for the next 48 hours we've had ninja's everywhere. Climbing the walls...
sneaking my camera and taking Ninja Gangsta selfies....
And practicing on their kid version of American Ninja Warrior that they're making in the back yard.
Glad that my gardening gloves could find another way to contribute to their childhoods... they haven't ruined them yet.
So there is Wesley hangin on the swing chain and again with his side kick, the Rainbow Ninja (aka Lily).
Wesley today was begging his little sisters to come play with him. Hyrum shouted from another room and asked "Why do you want to play with Abi?!?!" "Cause she doesn't laugh at my games!" was his honest reply. Wes is young enough that he still plays imagination games... but, like Natalie, he's not listening to me and is growing up. He's going into 4th grade this year. He won't play his creative games with his older brothers around. Childhood comes with an expiration date. Hope we've got another year on Wes's carefree and creative childhood, he's such a sweet little kid.

1 comment:

  1. That show is awesome! I read the title and heard his voice. :)
