Saturday, August 2, 2014

Hot Tubbing

For our last day up at Park City today, I spent almost 2 hours in the hot tub with my little friends. They had fun, so did I. I imagine it would have been nice to have been as totally stress free and relaxed as Natalie was for her "back in the womb" nap, but it seemed just as fun for me to just watch her little heavenly face.
I let her go a bit, deeper into the water, that's it... ahhh. Sophia checking to make sure Natalie was still alive. funny.
She was in another world - soooo .... relaxed.... ommm...
So I enjoy watching my baby relax, but I don't get to relax - I'm on high alert. This is what I look like on high alert- my radar antennae go up, and my eyebrows come down.  I try to make sure everyone is still alive as I count heads over and over again.
Mostly toddler heads, especially with Lily feeling like she's big and can swim by herself...
You've barely got your head above water, my dear, you are not free to go solo. Sophia did much better than she did last year... no tears this time, she was all smiles. Mmm, taking a nice refreshing sip of the hot tub water, nice Soph.
"Sophi, don't do that." "Yeah, I was just about to stop. That's not a good activity." (feel free to finish that Brian Regan quote out if you want) Is this a good activity? Yes, that's better. But don't let go of the railing.
When it was time for dinner, I sat in the pool for 20 minutes longer than I planned as I debated in my head how to get out, cause I was with the 3 little girls and no big kids to help, they were all down at the other pool, plus I didn't have a single towel within reach for Natalie. I knew the temperature difference without a towel would definitely wake her up, and I had high hopes of keeping her asleep since Corey and I were going to run out for a quick date. Help, kids? Anyone? Sophia stepped up to the call and helped me out by throwing a little pool ball at Natalie's head again, which splashed her bigger this time and thus officially woke her up, so no need to worry about the temperature shock and we all jumped out. Time for dinner.
Natalie played her favorite game of run up and down the hall. Not run for you and me, but "run" for a one year old toddler. She could play this game all day.
She's a cutie and up and running. Corey and I went out to eat at Legacy Bar and Grill, I enjoyed the salmon of course, and Corey had a southwest jumbo shrimp salad. Good stuff. And then we went on a little walk up Empire street to my grandfather's house (my Grandpa Hibbert used to live in Park City before my dad was born, the house is still there, cool. 1013 Empire Street, Park City). I enjoyed just walking together with Corey. It reminded me of our date nights in Chile, which will forever be magical. Loved our walk and talk date nights in Chile. So after a stroll up there we came back to the hotel and got ready for the drive home. It was a great week, life is good.

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