Monday, August 4, 2014

Last Weeks of Summer

Park City has come and gone, and that means that summer vacation is almost over. Just over two weeks left for most of the kids. Sigh. Well, what are ya gonna do. But, before the countdown to school starts we've got another countdown to Brazil~ Corey and Ethan are going down again to sell Movie Mouth for two weeks. Ethan is part of his little presentation show like last time. Last time was the trial run with just a few schools, this time it's bigger and they are presenting to more school owners and the software is ready. Should be fun. Last time Ethan missed the last two weeks of school. This time he's missing the first two weeks. But he's changing schools from Albion to Churchill, so hopefully Churchill won't be annoyed cause they don't know that he's missing two weeks of school again, as far as they know this is the first and only time. He'll have a bit of catching up to do when he gets back.

Lily will be starting kindergarten this year. I'll be home with Natalie and Sophi. Should be fun with them, if I can just survive the homework and run around that comes with the rest of them. Three schools, 4 departure times, possibly 3 boys in band in American Fork... those auditions are next month. Hyrum is going to try out for that. I'm slightly worried about band. Band might kill me... no, I just need to embrace it. If I fight it it will try to kill me. If I accept it and embrace it, then I'm in control. I've been doing my errand running this summer during Ethan's band practices, so it's helped me be consistent. I should be able to find some silver lining, right? I can find some way to smell the roses ~
We've got quite a few roses now after the tragic deer buffet last month. A neighbor showed that the bucks are out and about though... I'll have to pray for my little roses ~ there are like 8 of the pink and yellow ones, I hope they get to bloom! I could look at flowers all day - one of our roses was in full bloom today - red and yellow, lovely. we've got a few of the hot pink roses too. Heaven!

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