Friday, August 15, 2014

Kid Snippets

If you haven't checked out Bored Shorts on Youtube lately, thought I'd point you their way. We are still Kid History fans around here. They haven't made a Kid History video for a while, cause for the past year or so they are doing short videos called "Kid Snippets". So, just in case you haven't seen these, here are our two favorites: Math Class and Driver's Ed. Oh, and "Ultimate Workout" too!

And for some reason I keep quoting a line from part 1 of "The Wand of Universal Power" around here "No ONE CaRES wHat YOUR NAme IS, ROBERT!!!" So those are funny too. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 ~ Funny videos for your Friday. And one more video we shared with the kids last night, funny!
Date night tonight, hooray! Have a good weekend

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