Thursday, August 14, 2014

Reunion Recap

Here's the recap on our 20 year high school reunion over last weekend. It was at Solitude's "Last Chance Mining Camp". It was beautiful to be up in the mountains. I need to get up there again since I didn't have too much time to take in the mountain air. Let's see, so Erica (teal jacket) did just a fantastic job on the whole thing. We are lucky to have her as our class president. (For any up and coming high schoolers out there, don't run for Senior Class president unless you're ready to be in it for the long haul!)
All the spotlights I did came in handy as decorations at the meet and greet and again at the dinner. People came in and registered at the table, and then were so excited to see friends that for a good while it seemed everyone was crowded on the lower floor talking in groups. I tried to interrupt them as politely as possible and tell them to head upstairs for dinner.
"...But first get your picture taken at our photo booth!"
More talking upstairs. Corey and I enjoyed our dinner when we had a chance.
Overall it was pretty good, but I wasn't very impressed with the salads. Or the desserts. It might have mostly been the buffet presentation though.
And we ran out of food. But that's cause we had about 30 extra people show up that hadn't rsvp'd. Probably the biggest stressor of this whole thing is trying to plan to accommodate everyone, while not knowing how many people that will be for sure, and not having the money to do it but taking the risk and hoping we will be able to cover costs. Erica is taking a much deserved vacation with her family this week, but we're still counting up money and paying our expenses, and I think we might barely break even, so that's good. A few months ago I thought we'd be $5-$3k in the red. So anywhere in between a profit and $100 in the hole, I can live with that. We still have to count up $ on Erica's end when she gets back, so after that we will really be done. Our last class reunion was a 10 year in 2004, Erica held on to the banner from that reunion that someone made that time around - Angie. So impressed with her work. And so impressed with Erica that she keeps track of all these things.
The decorations upstairs were simple - white table cloths with blue, gold, and yellow ribbons placed on them (5 ribbons each table, I worked on that part for the set-up) and there was a simple centerpiece of 9 tea light candles on each table. Simple and pretty.

Reunion selfie!
After the dinner, jeopardy game, a raffle, and some fun awards (Corey and I won the "breeder's cup" can you guess why?) there was a slide show, and during the slide show I had a moment to pause and feel calm and grateful... the music was taking me back in time, I'm here with my amazing in every way high school sweetheart, our life is beyond what my high school self could have imagined. And then in the slideshow there was a picture of a dark eagle flying with a full moon behind it, and from where I as sitting, out the window, I really could see the almost full moon in the sky (Nancy captured it rising).
It was a nice moment of peace for how it all turned out, after this summer of reunion planning. Then it was over... everyone continued to visit and take pictures with friends.
Corey and our "Master of Ceremonies" Tim remember that they both served missions in Chile, Corey in Santiago West, Tim was in the North mission. Corey told him a little bit about our family adventure in Chile.
It was really fun to reconnect with old friends (aka everyone we follow on facebook!) I don't think facebook changed our reunion much. We know a little bit about what people are doing, but it's still so nice to see them in person and to have a chance to visit. Everyone was impressed and felt we did a great job, so I'm glad that everything fell into place and that everyone seemed happy with it, especially Erica! Very good job. I think in 10 years we might have fond enough memories of this whole experience that we'd consider doing it again. :)

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