Thursday, August 28, 2014

Little Things

Things are good, and week 1 of single parenting is almost over (since it's Friday Eve, yay!) Corey and I were able to talk yesterday for 30 minutes. Mostly we just sat and stared at each other through the laptop screen, and it was more "stare" than talk cause little kids wanted to say hi. Still it was nice to connect and have some face time. He also cc'd me on an email to someone at work, so it was nice to get the low down there too and get the feeling that he's doing okay. So I feel like I can breath today, which is good. Breathing is important.

So what's going on here...  I let Sophi have cereal for lunch. I almost never let that happen, I'm feeling lazy. I'm enjoying these nice days outside with my little girls playing on the trampoline or walking around in the grass while I weed or saw (cut some shelves today). Abi and Sophi both have birthdays coming up next week. Sophi calls herself "Fofee". I gave Sophi one of her presents early, just to keep her entertained during the transition to a quiet "the kids are at school" house.
It's her "phone" and she likes to say to me "Fofee phone?" and I say "Yep! That's Sophi's phone!" We like Fofee. And here is Fofee's little side kick. She misses you Ethan!
Natalie likes to help empty the dishwasher. She goes straight for the knives and glass dishes, so I gotta be quick.
I've been a bit more smitten by her today than usual. Today just about everything she did made me laugh for joy.
Standing on the dishwasher that I'm worried is going to have the door broken off... cute!
...spilling broken ramen noodles that Joseph left out... aw! adorable!
stacking cups (I think a cup stacking championship is in her future!)
We started off the day with a long morning nap after getting all the kids off to school. We snuggled in bed and I looked at her sleeping face with her little "dream" shirt on, enjoying a little bit of the present. Then she peeing on my bed, then pooped on it, then #2-d the carpet, and didn't bother me at all, it was just my little corner of heaven with these precious kids. Love my little girls.

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