Friday, August 29, 2014

Rescue Heroes

I've heard of this a little bit, mostly that it existed, but I knew of it but "without knowing". (Since I don't read the news anymore (since the 2012 election)). But I read Nienie regularly, and was impressed to see Christian Nielsen helped with a rescue. Now I know a little bit more. Please watch the video below.
And this video, and this link. Any questions about if this is an evil this world need to deal with? Sure, there is a small part of me wants to cover my eyes... I don't want to let it into my heart, it's too terrible and heartbreaking to imagine. But it's real and it's happening, we can help. This is a worthy cause. These men will be in my prayers and receiving my donations. Please donate and spread the word. God bless Tim Ballard. Sometimes when I pray I tell the Lord I'm sorry for all the problems we've made down here. Please rescue us from ourselves! I know he already has through his Atonement, now let's get to work applying his grace and help Him rescue us and others.

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