Friday, August 8, 2014

Meet & Greet

Part one of our class reunion was tonight. The "Meet & Greet" started at 6:30 - we were there around 6 to help set up the music. And we helped a little bit with the decorations. The only shade was about half way through the courtyard on the grass by a tree, so we set up the refreshment tables there.
Natalie took a quick power nap as we set up, very nice, thank you Natalie. Then she woke up once the party started. I fed her a few sugar cookies ~
She also entertained herself quite nicely with a plastic cup and napkin, putting in in, taking it out, kicking the cup, repeat. She was the only baby in attendance. Most of the people stopped and began visiting before the dessert table, and were so busy talking that they didn't ever do any eating... so we have a LOT of leftovers. Luckly, 3/4ths were unopened, so Shannon Gardner is going to take them back to Costco tomorrow. The rest were given to us (cause we got the most kids) and so looks like it's cookies and lemon bars for breakfast tomorrow. :)
It was fun to see and visit with friends. And a little surreal to feel like we've timewarped ~ wait... weren't we just here going to school a few days ago? ...but now it's 20 years later. weird. Time keeps marching on. You'll be graduating from high school soon, Natalie.
She very much liked the balloons. I started to gather from off the tables shortly after the lights got turned off on us. We got kicked out by the custodial crew at what seemed like an unusually early time. We kept trying to move out of the courtyard, but then we'd start talking again. We finally all made it outside of the glass hallway. and then started chatting again and kept talking until 11:00. Now it's midnight and I better go to bed.
One event down, two to go! 

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