Monday, August 11, 2014

Mr. Eagle

Everything with the reunion went great over the weekend. I'll post about the dinner tomorrow, but for today I thought I'd write about the family picnic on Saturday that was part of the celebration.  Corey opted to stay home from this one and played the "I'll keep the two little girls" card to persuade me to let him off the hook. So I did. He got a little bit of work done I think, but probably got Sophied most of the time. The Skyline alumni were invited to bring their kids to Sugar House park for a potluck picnic. Free snow cones and lemonade were on hand and a table full of chips and cookies for the little people.

As part of the fun at the picnic, we also rented an eagle costume. We had wanted to borrow the school mascot costume, but it was in the shop for repairs. So, several weeks ago, I agreed that I would find someone to wear it. I first thought I could talk Joseph's tall friend Talmage into coming with us and wearing it. But then he went to Texas with his family for his mom's 20 year reunion. Hmm, what to do. Who could wear this costume... Well, I did have several of my own kids with me. One of which was a strong and strapping teenage boy.... he's taller than me, he could probably pull it off. He was over practicing Ninja skills climbing a tree when I called out to him "Hey Joseph, come here!" He obediently came toward me, not suspecting what grad opportunity awaited him. "I volunteered you for something..."

We walked over to the car. "I need you to wear this. It's a heavy wool coat disguised as an eagle costume. I know it's 90+ degrees outside. Here, put it on." Joseph thought it sounded like fun, probably cause Ethan was sincerely jealous that this opportunity was being denied him. "Can I be the eagle? Can I have a turn? Can I try it on!??!" But it was time for the eagle to make his appearance, so no fooling around taking our time, gotta get Joseph out there. Besides, big brother Joseph told Ethan "You're too short." That hurts little male egos. Ethan jealously said "Joseph is SO LUCKY!" (Yeah, right!) Ok big boy, suit up!
Oops, forgot the tights. There ya go. 
A few cars drove into the parking lot, and smiled as they saw what fun was in store. Tights on, step into the wool coat, put a football jersey shirt on it to make sure the wool coat is nice and tight on you. He had to put his shoes on to keep the talon feet from sliding off. On goes the plastic head to make sure no breeze or air can give him any relief from the high noon temperature, and out he goes!
He was such a good sport. It was really funny, if you can't tell by how much I was laughing in this picture.
Ethan's jealousy subsided a bit, and I asked him to be the protector of the eagle, which he did okay for a little while. Joseph had the mascot role down pat. He was sure to not talk, (as that would give away that there was a person under the eagle head...) and he just expressively waved his arms a lot and gave high fives (or tried to, he couldn't really see).
Joseph thought it would be fun to go to the park and play with the kids. He must have forgotten the tales his father has told of when he was dressed up in our Darth Vader costume and and made a debut at the Discovery Park in Pleasant Grove. Every little child at the park mustered up courage as he realized this was his one and only opportunity to prove his bravery, and they all joined forces and proceeded to beat Darth Vader up. Corey (inside the Vader suit) got hit with sticks, rocks, little fists, was choked as the cape got stepped on, not to mention that he couldn't see very well "It was like wearing a bucket on your head". Yes, that was what Joseph experienced here. He went to the playground, and the kids were just excited to see him at first, but then started to get more brave.... "Come here, Mr. Eagle! I'm going to get you, Mr. Eagle!" Somehow Joseph could see well enough to climb up the slide. Then he found himself trapped!
"You're not getting away, Mr. Eagle! I got you Mr. Eagle!" He tried to climb through a tube, but a kid got on his back and held him around his neck. Ethan wasn't doing a good job as his protector, I can't remember if he was even there at this point, so I came to his rescue. He was able to keep away from the kids for a while, then after he'd had enough playing in the sun, he headed back to the pavilion with a crowd of kids following him.
He was such a good sport. He wore the suit for an hour. We were nice and let him sneak a drink of water underneath the mask. After posing for pictures with families, it was time to let the eagle be free and we headed to the car to put the costume away. Joseph looked like he'd jumped in a pool.
Shirt drenched with sweat, but still smiling. What a good kid! Joe, you're a natural. I think you might have a future mascot somewhere inside you.

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