Monday, August 25, 2014

Two First Days

Today was the second first day of school for our family, since this morning the junior high school year began. I took Joseph and Melodie. I made them pose for me outside the car window, which is what my "mom memory" of their jr high life looks like.
Lily was very excited to go to kindergarten today. I got to snap a picture of her on the bus. You're a cute little one Lily! Little Lily starting Kindergarten?!?... how did that happen? Where did those 5 years go? My life is passing me by too quickly, nooo!
I guess we still have one more "first day" coming up, when Ethan goes to school for his "first day" after he gets back from Brazil. Hyrum, Wes, and Abi were all last week -
I didn't post their pictures cause I was too busy reporting on our School Year's Eve party. Well, so here we are, looking forward to another school year and seeing these kids make new memories and have new experiences.

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