Saturday, August 23, 2014

And He's Off...

Corey's off to Brazil again, for two weeks again, and Ethan is going with him again. (Go Movie Mouth!) Not the best timing for Ethan, as he'll be missing the first two weeks of school as a 7th grader. I've emphasized to him that he is very likely going to be a bit overwhelmed when he gets back, not just with trying to catch up on homework, but also with getting into the grove of a new school and schedule. So, be prepared. I won't mind if you ask for help, but no whining or crying, cause this is your choice to go and you know what you're getting into. (He's agreed to not complain.)
It's also not best timing for me as the planner and manager of our family school schedules. The Jr. High kids start on Monday, and with Corey gone, I get to pull his morning carpool. So I've decided to run Joseph and Melodie to school a half hour early so I can get back in time before Hyrum heads out. Logistics, logistics... might be a little tricky, but could be worse... I could be left alone for two weeks in Central America! Yeah, this is easy. Thank you, my lovely life experiences, for the gift of perspective that you've given me. (Pretty cool that I did that and that I survived to tell the tale!)

What else. Amazing thunderstorm last night, very cool to hear the thunder and see the lightening. We've been getting a lot of rain this week, it feels like fall. We had a beautiful rainbow on Thursday evening. Melodie and I took a ton of pictures, then the kids drew pictures of rainbows on the sidewalk with chalk. It has been nice having the older kids here this week when the elementary kids started. Gave the little kids a head start and a little more attention from me as they figure out their routine.
I finished the final school year touches today, and now everyone has a hook for their backpack and a file for their papers and I have an inbox and an outbox and I'm excited to see if I can keep on top of it! Here we go! And good luck Corey. I'm glad that I'll be busy, cause that will help the time pass quickly. He'll be back before I know it, and that will be good. :)

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