Saturday, September 27, 2014

A Few Years Behind

Back when Joseph was a baby, I had an idea to make an ABC book for him with pictures of him. Then I made one for Melodie, with my goal being to finish it before Ethan was born. Then to do Ethan's before Hyrum was born, then Hyrum's before Wes was born, etc. I did pretty good through Abi - I finished hers in June 2009 just before Lily was born.  And then we moved in 2010 when Lily was a baby, and moved back, and I've been trying to get my head above water ever since. I haven't been able to get in my "Get the ABC book done before the next kid arrives" groove again. So I'm a few years behind, but I tried to start to redeem  myself today! I had Lily's book about finished over a year ago, and then I don't know why I just never made it out to FedEx Kinko's to finish the job. Seemed like such a big process, "I'll never be able to do it!" Then, this past week, Abi took her ABC book to school for show and tell. Lily, who is now old enough to know she's missing out on something, confronted me "Where is my ABC book?" I've almost got it done sweetie, I just need to go get it bound up. Okay okay, I'll do it. I gave myself a realistic goal to get them both done by year end. I haven't started Sophi's, but since Lily's was basically done I put Kinko's on my errand list and made it out there and finally finished Lily's ABC book today! I timed myself too, so that I'll know how long the laminating and binding part took. I left at 10:00 am and was finished at 11. Glad to have the kids home to take care of Natalie - went faster with out that angel underfoot. I was almost giddy when I brought it home. "Lily! I have a surprise for you!!!"
Lily wanted me to take her picture with each page. "I is for immunizations" - I asked her "Is that your favorite one?" "No, it's the saddest one." J is for Jessie is her favorite one. Jessie lost her head a year or so ago and I glued it back on a few times, but sadly, she eventually made it into the trash. Now that's on her Christmas wish list - new Jessie Doll, got it.
Lily kept reading me her book, her sisters read fought over a book on the step beside her. (Natalie knows how to get Sophi's goat...) Sophi, your ABC book is next, I'll try to get 'er done before year end.

1 comment:

  1. Good job, Hermana! Victory! Keep up the good work. I have always loved this ABC book idea.
