Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Abi's Party

So Abi had a birthday party a week ago. Decorations simple with the usual things I have in the birthday box which is their name and age on window.
New this birthday we started a new thing, and have hopes to continue with all the other kids' birthdays - the idea is putting up pictures of the lucky birthday kid at each age:

I put them on the walls and window. Treats and a cake for the party were set out, and we were ready to go as soon as the kids got home.
Here they are! ...And it's party time!
Seven candles in a frosting #7
~make a wish 
 The kids all went outside on the trampoline to eat their cake and ice cream.
Then it was time for the cupcake pinata. I told Abi we couldn't go anywhere for the party (since I was running a household with Corey out of town for a few more days still) so we got a pinata and called it good. Abi was very excited.
I got the cupcake pinata at walmart ~ Joseph and Melodie were great helpers and ran the pinata end of it. and it all went well... until...
...the pinata part that looped onto the hook broke as the third kid was up to bat. After instructing him to not swing so we could attached it, he swung and hit me in the back of the head.  Kinda hurt. Then we got it fixed, then he swung again, and then the rope broke. So that was the end of our attempt to doing the pinata the "traditional" way. We tried to think of how we could break the pinata in a game way...
I let Joseph be in charge of that too. Started off with "duck duck cupcake" - where you chase the person with the pinata in hopes of tripping them and breaking the pinata a little bit. 
That didn't work very well, since no one tripped and the pinata was still in tact.
so after a few rounds of that, we went to plan c: Put the pinata on the trampoline and everyone get under and try to push kick it off the trampoline, in hopes that it will kinda break.  
That didn't work either, as kids were not careful as they tried to kick the pinata and Wes got hurt. Meanwhile, Natalie saw her chance to loot the bowls of cake left unattended.
Ok, Another new game - Plan D - Punch the Cupcake. Everyone try to punch the cupcake, Jospeh will try to protect the cupcake. GO! That was Joseph's idea, he didn't like it very much, Hyrum was the worst and was going nuts and was punching him instead of the cupcake. Ok, Cancel that plan too.
Now the kids were getting frustrated and worried they'd never see the hidden candy. So we ended the game and just threw the cupcake in the air. It exploded upon landing. And then Hyrum attacked it and the candy went flying.
Game over. Phew! I didn't think we were gonna survive that one.
Then we only had an hour left of the party and they all went down stairs to play with Abi's toys, which she didn't share very well. All in all, the overall goal was achieved in that Abi felt happy that she had a birthday party. Other than that, the eating and games and pinata did not go as planned. But we survived and I was able to check off Abi's party, and I decided each kid gets one friend party between ages 1-10. So Abi's done, Wes is done, Lily and Sophi still get one sometime, but I'm not a party person... it gets a little out of control! 

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