Thursday, September 11, 2014

Jazz Jig

Saturday was judgement day for the jazz boys. Auditions for Caleb Chapman music were at 3:00. Ethan arrived back from his trip to Brazil at 10:30. After saying hi to everyone, they began to cram. Joseph was confident and prepared, having put in lots of practicing time all summer. Natalie did a little jig as he played...
(Her jig was so cute!!!! She pumps her little arms and runs in place or turns in circles, so cute)
So, Joseph was ready, these two... not so much. 
Hyrum should have done more over the summer, but he's just starting out, Corey thinks he'll be okay. Ethan had his sax in Brazil... but opted to play video games instead. Judgement day. He was in tears there on the couch above, hiding behind his horn. Corey said it's good to have them stress about this kinda stuff and think their world is crumbling, much better than the alternative of bad things that lots of young people these days get into. Ethan was reading the scriptures on the drive down to the studio, he was praying for mercy, and that he wouldn't cry during the audition. His prayer was answered and Corey said he did fine (he's a little dramatic) Good to have him home, I was missing the drama! :)

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