Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Average Morning

Lily woke up early this morning. So, instead of exercise, Lily and I played Barbies. I spent most of my time brushing out their hair (what a matted mess!) Then Natalie woke up, so that meant playtime for me was over. I tried to get things done though, like take out the trash since it's garbage day. Whilst I tried to do things like that and attempted to make progress on the state of things in this house, Natalie tried to take things in the opposite direction. She first emptied a box of Kix cereal (she was so happy!)
And then she was hurrying and swatting at the kix balls like flies and flinging them everywhere, so I grabbed her quickly as possible and put her down off the table, where she resumed her position as a dead weight and tried to prevent me cleaning them up.
I got them boxed up again, swept the floor, but didn't get the cereal dust wiped up off the table. But it was in the box.
Then we all went outside for a bit while I loaded the garbage bins with pine needles, which is my usual Wednesday morning chore. Lily came and went inside and outside, as did Natalie. I came in to find Lily was making soup out of dish soap and garlic salt.
Cleaned that up, made Lily a sandwich, and then turned to find Natalie on the table AGAIN dumping out the Kix AGAIN (only did half the box this time, I got to her fast) and I'm feeling like an idiot that I left the cereal box on the table (said like Napoleon Dynamite)
And then Sophi woke up, Lily went to school at 12:30, and Sophi watched "Belle" (Beauty and the Beast) while I took a nap with Natalie. And that I about how the average morning goes down around here.

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