Thursday, September 25, 2014

Messy Chocolate

When the older kids got home from school, Joseph asked if he could make chocolate pudding. I said yes. They dished out bowls for everyone. Ethan served Natalie and then got bored feeding her so he let her feed herself...
They came to inform me that Natalie was a mess. "Can you clean her up?" No one would, I went to see the state of things. No, no no no.... that is not how to feed a baby pudding. And I let Ethan know I was a little irritated that they just let her make a mess - floor, shirt, hair... he could have let me know before he let her make a mess and I would have gladly spoon fed her. Birthdays, I don't mind that, but thassit. I don't approve of this happening more than once a year.
So I scrubbed her down and she didn't like it. Yesterday I let Sophi help me make brownies for dessert. This is how I do it - we pinned back her hair, gave her a little apron, and supervised her accordingly. It was neat and quick to clean up. That's how it's done, boys.
~ I still remember from my childhood how licking the bowls and spoons is always the best part. :)

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