Monday, September 22, 2014

Chile Care Package

We got a care package from Chile yesterday from our good friend Angela. Angela and her family took care of us during our stay in Chile and saved us when we had difficulties during our departure, And the kids all know and love her because she came and spent a month with us in 2012. She sent some treats and cute headbands for the girls.
They love them Angela! Thank you!!!

The kids sat out on the trampoline to enjoy their sugar high and have food memories of our time in Chile - The "super ocho" candy bar was the biggest memory trigger. Fun stuff.
Natalie and Sophi - you two little girls don't remember Chile, do you? Well, that's not fair! You girls need an international trip! But maybe when you're a bit older and will remember it? We'll have to see what we do to make it up to you...
Hyrum was being a dork and kept photo bombing my pictures. I deleted all of those, but here's what he looked like before I punched him for being a pest.
(just kidding! I don't punch my kids!)

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