Saturday, September 20, 2014

Alpine Loop

Melodie began junior orchestra today, so Corey took her to practice at 8:30. He took Joseph and Ethan too so they could do some work at Movie Mouth (we've told them they've got to help pay for their Jazz tour trip next summer). I've been in a slump and didn't have the energy to clean, nor did I have it in me to get these kids to help clean. So after a few hours of being a throne for Natalie or walking around the house like a zombie, I sent neighbor kids home and told my crew to get into the car. Corey was going to be home at 5, so we'll clean the house then. As for now, I need to escape the four walls of this messy house. Into the car.

We go into the car. Seatbelts on, garage open, start car... and it's dead. Corey's gone, so I tried to jump it with this little jump start kit thing we have but it didn't work. I didn't have it in me to put on a cheerful face for neighbors, so I impose upon my mother... "Can you come help me jump my car?" Linda to the rescue!! (thanks mom!!!) We swept our driveway while we waited for her, cause the cement on our driveway is crumbling to pieces, I thought this 10 minute window provided a good opportunity to sweep up all the loose rocks. They seriously kill to walk on! I almost always have shoes when walking on the driveway, but one morning this week Abi forgot her folder after she left for school, so I just ran out barefoot to catch her and man, it's a killer. That's on the list of repairs this house needs. If we ever have enough to buy it first. So, we jump start the car and thankfully it works. Everyone loads up again. And we're off! I'm gonna be able to cross something off my list today, and it will be therapeutic too! hooray!
3:00. I held the kids hostage and we went for a little (long) spin. Down to Utah County, up Provo Canyon. We took a quick detour up Squaw Peak Road. I loved hearing the kids kinda worry with nervous laughs at one point on that road when they looked out the window and weren't able to see the ground, just a steep steep hill and drop off that showed the mouth of the canyon below us. "Be careful, MOM!!!"
They've never been so close to death. That added a half hour to the drive.
But we kept going. Up Provo Canyon more - I LOVE the rock cliffs and hills of Provo Canyon, so gorgeous.
We turned off the road and headed up to Sundance via the Alpine Loop. The kids were patient with me as I tried to find the pullouts to stop to take pictures.
The air was kinda hazy, but it was still a nice drive and just what my spirit needed.
Would have been ideal to go for a walk or hike, but with 6 kids in tow I'm happy to take what I can get. We got home a little after 6.
I hope we're able to go out again before the leaves are gone, hopefully after a little rain clears out the air.

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