Wednesday, September 17, 2014

End of Ninja Warrior

We did our fair share of American Ninja Warrior viewing this summer. Our Monday night Family Home Evening activities have mostly been us watching ANW together. Then the boys spend the rest of the week outside practicing their obstacles or downstairs doing pull ups. We were pretty disappointed by the outcome of season 6 - (stupid rope jungle!!) (...and we didn't like the silk slider on stage 1 either) but last night made up for it. There was a three hour special "America vs. The World!" - well, few countries of the world.

We were very happy to see Brian Arnold finish stage 2 and stage 3! He was the first American ever to finish stage 3, and it was awesome cause two of the Japanese guys finished stage 3 and one European guy. Pretty awesome stuff. We missed the first hour (still doing the fhe lesson) and our lesson on how the kids are going to need to work to help pay for their music lessons and stuff and need to use their time wisely, so after that we got to put it into practice... we were just going to watch one hour, but it was so intense and it's the last show of the season, so we all justified it and kept watching . The kids couldn't sit down, it was too intense. Then during the commercials they'd scream and run around thumping their chests or go downstairs to do some pull ups since they were so excited and pumped up!!!!
The competition went to stage 4 for the first time, a "climb off" tie breaker between Travis Rosen and Sean McColl - Sean won it for Europe by less than a second on the 70 foot rope climb. It was intense.
And that was that. Good job team USA. We decided it's okay for Sean to take the win, he deserves something for that face plant he did off of the metal spin in Stage 2. We were all pretty impressed. Fun times. The kids will continue to play ninja warrior outside, I'm sure, until the snow comes. It's a good way for them to spend their time - exercise and creativity. They are preparing to take on "the world!!!"

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