Thursday, September 4, 2014

Kid Report

Corey will be home soon, I've almost survived, just another day and a half to go. Things have gone well for him, not that I know any of the details yet, that's just what the few skype messages sent have conveyed. Here's a quick kid report on what the 8 kids I have here on my end - Joseph gave the bassoon a go this afternoon. He was playing his jazz music on it, kinda funny.
Melodie's been diligent with her practicing as well, doing flight of the bumble bee, sounds hard.
Hyrum and Wes were playing Bash Ball today, a game Joseph made up with the nerf "bash ball" Hyrum got for his birthday.
Abi's been stashing away all her birthday loot, and sharing a little bit of it too.
Lily's fingernail fell off (got it pinched in the shed door a month or so ago) she's a tough cookie. She didn't even cry when she got her immunization shots, and she let me get a sliver out of her foot without even screaming at me for digging at her heel, unlike one of her older brothers who shall remain nameless.
Sophi took a couple of baths today. She likes baths. And Natalie likes to hit people on the head with toys or touch musical instruments that are left around not put away and cause other kind of chaos like that.

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