Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Happy 7th Abi

Abigail is 7 years old today. She is very excited about it!
I woke her up early to open some presents from my mom, who had come over at 6:00 to help me with jazz band logistics, as I needed to have the kids at two different schools at the same time. (thanks mom!) (excited for my husband to come back on Saturday). Then my mom came back to our place and washed my dishes, jumped Corey's car (so I could put it back in the garage after my weekend of painting, might need a new battery) and did Abi's hair and we let Abi have cake for breakfast.
She got to wear a new pink outfit to church and took some cookies for her class, plus opened some new legos that she gave Lily permission to play with while she is at school, so nice of her.

Then she also got a morning phone call from Corey's mom, I think she's going to have a good day :)
As for my life, Natalie was a monster last night since I refused to be her pacifier. She FINALLY fell asleep at 4:52 am. ...and slept for 2 hours. I'm determined to break her and not let her break me. 

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