Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Baby Roomie

I was a little tired this morning after waking up early to look the moon. I freely and perhaps a bit foolishly chose to have my sleep interrupted every 5-10 minutes as I lay on the living room floor with a view of the moon out the window. I peeked at it every few minutes from 3:30 to 6:30 as I was in half sleep half awake world. It was cool. Not "once in a life time" opportunity, but a "only a few times in a lifetime" opportunity. It was worth it, but I was tired today. And it was also a bit tragic since last night was the first night in a very long time that Natalie slept through the whole night. It's time for her to move out of our room. But she usually wakes up and I usually bring her in the bed so I can fall back asleep. She just needs to hold someone's hand. ...Or have her foot on their back. Just some kind of human contact. On an average night she'll wake up here where Corey's head is supposed to be"
He and his pillow are gone. He to the foot of the bed perpendicular to where he started the night - he chose to do that probably around 3 when Natalie put herself perpendicular to his head and put a foot in his face. Yes Natalie, time for you to go get a new set of roommates. But then she'll wake up with these little eyes and innocent little face ~ "Me?"
I'll tell her that she isn't very fun to sleep with, she'll think over her poor behavior and promise not to do it again...
And then bat her little eyes at me and give me a smile and a hug and talk me out of trying to be a hard liner with her. Soon Natalie, I'm gonna start being tough on you soon. As soon as I can muster up the courage.

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