Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Blood Moon Tonight

It's October and it's a full moon tonight! We drove to the mouth of the canyon before our very late dinner to try to get a better view of the rising moon.
We are really excited for the lunar eclipse tonight, and I told the kids to pray that these hazy clouds are gone by 4 a.m.

I messed up last time tthere was a blood moon in April. It was on the night of Monday Apr 15th to Tues Apr 16th- we were on vacation and I think the time zone change messed up my planning. I saw the beginning partial eclipse and ending partial eclipse, but missed the full eclipse between them. I was pretty bummed. This time I hope I studied correctly, this is what should be going on and be visible from Utah tonight (clouds permitting):

Prenumbral Eclipse begins - 2:17 a.m. - Earth's penumbra starting to touch the Moon's face
Partial Eclipse begins - 3:18 a.m. - Partial moon eclipse starts, moon is getting red
Total Eclipse begins - 4:27 a.m. - Total moon eclipse starts - completely red moon.
Maximum Eclipse - 4:55 a.m. - Moon is closest to the center of the shadow.
Total Eclipse ends - 5:22 a.m. - Total moon eclipse ends
Partial Eclipse ends - 6:32 a.m. - Partial moon eclipse ends. Moon will be close to horizon, so be sure to have free sight to the west.
Moonset - 7:11 a.m.

I told the kids I'll wake them up, hope it's a good show.

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