Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Natalie is learning how to take jars and containers out of the fridge. She's getting ready to be a mom and "make dinner" just like Abi and Lily learned when they were toddlers
The fridge does keep Natalie entertained, so the fridge is my friend. I just make sure that all the glass jars are up high and the plastic ones are down low, and then I get to have my arms free, which is a good thing.
Natalie hasn't learned how to be safe in a high chair. 
I try to lock her in, but it is to no avail. She hasn't fallen yet. She had one close call two weeks ago or so - it was after dinner so her high chair was close to the table and counter, and she climbed onto the high chair tray and then reached over for the counter. She was able to reach the counter, but as she went to push herself so she could make the transition, instead of moving her forward, the wheels on the high chair caused it to move backwards, so she was slowly being moved into a plank position in the air between the counter and the high chair tray. I was loading the dish washer close to her, and could see she was going to fall - I couldn't make it around the island in time, so I just started to shout "oh! OH! OH!!!..." as I saw her slipping - feet on the high chair moving backward, and her fingers holding on to the counter for dear life. Lucky for Natalie, Ethan was standing next to her at the table, and he dropped his homework and reached out just in time to grab her before she did a belly flop/face plant right on the floor. You are a lucky girl. That fall would have learned ya about climbing all over your high chair like a jungle gym, huh Natalie.
but instead she lives another day to experience another tale of toddlerhood adventures. 

Wesley's learned something recently - he brought home a recorder from school last week and he's been practicing and already feels very proficient. He even was proud to show me how he's learned to play it with his nose ~
Looks a big gross to me, but I guess if it's actually "cool", then good job Wes. Way to go. Let's be sure to wash that before the next kid uses it.

And as for me, this week I learned that I can change the date of blog posts to whatever day I want. No more having to post by midnight ~ I missed yesterday, for example, so here I am typing this up on October 2nd, but I'm going to just change the publish date to Wednesday, Oct 1st, and viola! So I thought that was exciting to learn that I can manipulate the blog to fit my wishful/ideal reality of actually being on top of it.

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