Thursday, October 2, 2014

Like a Zen Master

Natalie helped me empty the dishwasher yesterday. We did it Zen-style. I have a list of "Zen Things" hanging up on the wall in our room ~ things that would help me live more consciously and presently. I was thinking of that list as Natalie helped me, cause it was slow, it was "one at a time", and it was just lovely. I mean, just look at those bright little eyes beaming up at me - so happy that I let her help rather than closing it up and shooing her off. "Here is a fork mother!"
"Here is a spoon, Mother!"
We did it one at a time, we did it slowly, deliberately, and completely. Good job, Natalie, I think you're a natural Zen master. Thanks for helping me be zen-like for a few minutes. I need to do that more often. I want to live simply and live well.
More detail on those 12 tips here. I think it's pretty good advice. I'll try to live and be more like a little child, like my little child. I think one of the greatest blessings of having children is that they constantly remind us, through their messes or their kisses, what is truly important.

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