Monday, October 27, 2014

Lego Hair

It was crazy hair day today. I was prepping myself a little last night, that I'd have to get up and figure out something creative (Abi still brings up that last year kids said her hair wasn't "crazy", other moms give some pretty good competition, and I'd really rather not be competing...) so this morning I was pleased to see Wesley taking care of it on his own - he was clipping legos in his hair. Abi thought it was brilliant and followed suit, and did it all by herself. Sweet. "Don't loose the legos though..." I requested as I saw that Wes had a squirrel lego and Rapunzel's pet Pascal... Not that I should concern myself with lost legos. But I guess I do get involved sometimes when it involves minifigures and animal legos.
So off they went. I did help Lily with her hair before she left for afternoon kindergarten. She was pleasantly surprised at my skill, but instead of just appreciating it, she had to go and put the pressure on and said "I hope I win!" We'll see if I get a lecture about what a lousy job I did when she comes home.
Oh! She just walked in... "Hey Lily!!" ~ "Hi Mom!!" ~ Did you win?!!?" "No..." "Are you sad?" "Yeah..." Hmm, but she's still smiling. So she feels sad, but no lecture, and apparently no high expectations to step it up and win it next year, so we're good. Phew!

One last thing for today, this video was of Natalie and I playing on the bed last week, where she was giving me a little scowl face while trying at the same time to not break character and grin and I would push her over. It was pretty adorable.

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