Saturday, October 25, 2014

Hike to Vista Mound

Today was a little more than it's usual busy... In addition to Melodie's orchestra and flute lesson, the boys had some jazz band thing in American Fork. So two things and both at the same time. That means all of our sitters were going to be gone and busy, so guess what little kids! You get to come with me to take Mel. It was around 8:15 am that I learned of these logistics, and all the little girls were still sleeping. So I opted to drop Mel off at Orchestra (at the U of U) then came back home for the rest of the kids. I figured I'd rather make two 30 minute trips downtown than to try and get everyone up and dressed and fed by the time Melodie had to leave in 15 minutes. So I dropped her off then came home just in time to wave to Corey and the boys as they left, then we had an hour to get my crew ready.

I made sure they all ate breakfast but didn't do a good job making sure they had jackets... or socks and shoes. I told them to get ready and then told them to go get in the car when it was departure time. As we were on our way, Wesley informed me "Abi doesn't have her shoes. Or Lily. Or Sophi." Doh. I had planned on possibly taking a little hike to Ensign Peak while we wait for Mel's flute lesson to be done, but sounded like that just got cancelled since my hiking companions were shoeless. I knew Natalie didn't have shoes, but I was planning to carry her anyway. So, that's okay, we'll just go on a drive around the capitol and look at the view from the car. Up and up the hills we went.

And as we drove past the Engisn peak trail entrance, I saw that it had a nice trailhead with cement steps and what seemed like a cement trail going up the start of the trail. Well, let's get out of the car and just look around for a bit. 
Turned out the cement side walk went all the way up to a lookout point called Vista Mound, so we were kinda able to do a hike!
Barefoot and all. I may have gotten a few looks from other trail walkers, but that's okay I do not attempt to hide the fact that I do not have my act together. But I do like to roll with it and take what opportunities I can get, and that means our little hike today was barefoot, and that's okay! Abi said "There's broken glass!" Yes, there were more than a few broken beer bottles. "Don't step on it."
Lots of cigarette butts too plus graffiti on the information sign. That's too bad.
Nice view though!
The kids all ran back to the car without me. I called for them to stop for a photo. Abi strikes a pose as usual.
So we didn't go up all the way to the peak, just to Vista Mound, a short hop skip and jump from the entrance with a nicely paved trail. Sweet.
I wanted to make everyone come out with me again that evening to do it with shoes, then we could have gone all the way to the top. But maybe we'll give that a go next weekend?

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