Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Manilla Park

Last week, while Joseph and Ethan were at band practice in American Fork, I took the girls and Wes to one of the coolest parks in Utah - Manilla Park. Also called "Discovery Park". And my kids call it "the wood park". It is a very cool park.
We had a few cheese sticks to help keep their blood sugar up during the two hour practice.
Sophia enjoyed herself, and kept her new Anna doll in hand the whole time.
"My Anna!"
 She did put down Anna for a little bit so she could swing. Love seeing happy faces on the swing.
That is pure childhood joy right there.
 Love you Sophi!
However, tragedy struck when we got home - Anna was missing. I thought maybe she had left her at the park. We looked all over in the car. Then luckily we saw this picture below that I'd taken  - proof that Anna had made it out of the park safely and went to the grocery store with us (had to grab some bananas for my monkeys).
I called the grocery store and asked if there was an Anna doll in one of the shopping cart cars in the east cart return. Sophi is a lucky girl, cause they found her. Then the only trial left was to wait 5 days until we went down again for Hyrum's practice. Happy day when Anna was returned. Mom's lesson learned: take the kids to the wood park, but next time sneak Anna away from Sophi and hide it until we get back home.

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