Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Dad's Garden

On Saturday after our hike, the 4 little girls and I went over to my parents' house to enjoy the spoils of their garden. The tomato plants were the only things that hadn't been pulled up yet, and there were so many tomatoes the girls couldn't believe it!
...especially considering that our 10 tomato plants have not yielded a bountiful harvest. They can't barely do one cherry tomato per kid per day. Atleast there's not been much fruit that I'm aware of. The kids do usually get out there before me though, so that might be part of it. ...And the older kids often inform me that Lily has been picking and planting the tomatoes. And then there are the deer too. sigh, so many obstacles! Still, I could have done my part better. Next year I'll prep the soil a bit more and do my homework. ...and might also plant them in the front yard where the pine trees don't block the sun so much. True, they will be more susceptible to deer out there. What ya gonna do? What do you think of Grandpa's garden, Lily? Isn't it great?
They were good little workers and good little eaters. My parent's actually weren't home - they were in Texas visiting my little sis. Doh. Dad said to help ourselves, they weren't going to be home for a few days and thus wouldn't be able to used any of the ripe tomatoes. I hadn't brought any bags or bowls, so we took the two bags that two newspapers in the front yard were in and used those to hold the tomatoes.
And they filled up pretty quickly, so I told the girls to use their tummies as bags too.
Go go go, eat eat eat!!! I love tummies that are full of healthy food, so eat up. Good job Natalie.
It was fun. I want a garden, cause I love working outside with the kids. I'll try to be ready for next spring!

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