Thursday, October 30, 2014

Music Practice

Natalie has been practicing the recorder. 
"Hey, it's 10:30 at night and everyone else is blasting music and practicing... so why can't I?"
You sound good, Natalie, and you look funny with that in your mouth. You're cute.
Joseph, Melodie, and Ethan had a music Halloween concert at school last night. I took the younger kids to a "fall festival" at our church, so I didn't see the show, but Corey said it was great. Ethan has a solo, Melodie has a solo and her flute sound is so bright and clear, and Joseph soloed and also sang "Witchcraft" during a jazz band song, Fun stuff. I'll get pictures up when Corey sends me some. Joseph's in charge of a school Halloween stomp tomorrow, good luck buddy.

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