Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween 2014

Well, I'm proud of the kids. I've been feeling like a Halloween bah-hum-bug this week, but they carried on without me, which I appreciate. I didn't want to buy anything new. ...cause we have two very large bins of dress up clothes, and I figured they should be able to figure something out from that stash, and they did or made their own. Natalie and Sophi - Tinkerbell and Jasmine. We went over to a neighbor's house for some pizza and quick pictures.
Hyrum had got Natalie ready for the fun, I got Sophi ready 5 minutes before we left.
Lily was a dog and figured out this costume by herself, even made her puppy ears. They wore their costumes to school today. I told them I wasn't going to make it to the parade but did snap these at the bus stop.
Abi got together her "random cowgirl" outfit. She had to keep clarifying for people at school that she was not Jessie from Toy Story, she was just a random cowgirl.
Wesley stole an idea of Melodie's and made himself a cupcake costume. As he cut and worked on it on Wednesday, I was being a scrooge and said I didn't think it was going to work... "can't you just be a vampire?" I pleaded. No, he wanted to be a cupcake, so I wished him good luck and he came up with this on his own. I did break out the glue gun this morning to help him attach his sprinkles, he didn't ask. They were stuck on with ducktape, but I thought little dabs of hot glue would hold them better and we were able to put more on. Good job Wes, way to keep with your plan even when the nay-sayers (your mom) tried to dissuade you. Never let people tell you you can't do something, and that includes me.
Hyrum didn't know what to be, so that's what he decided to be. He made a question mark out of duck tape on a shirt. When people asked "what are you?" he said "I don't know!" But he also had a few people think he was Dr. Who.
I went and bought candy this afternoon and ate too many KitKats. I finally got a little into the mood tonight and decided to dress up - put together a pirate outfit for myself and I carried Tinkerbell around. Melodie saw my attire and was inspired and got together a quick pirate outfit too.
Ethan and Joseph wore their Zoot Suits from their Caleb band. Melodie decorated our door step, the kids carved the pumpkins on their own tonight, I got the candles. It all came together and they are great kids. After about 10 houses, Lily, Sophi and Natalie were done, so we made out way home and listened to Thriller on the door step and danced our Michael Jackson dances as we passed out candy to trick or treaters.  
Great kids. I love them and am glad they are patient with me. And I'm pleased that they are becoming such independent kiddos.

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