Friday, October 24, 2014

Pillow Fight

Hyrum was the last to return from school today - it was early out day for everyone else. They had already scattered to play outside and at friends' houses, so it was quiet here for a moment with just Natalie and Sophia. Soon I heard Hyrum and Natalie playing a game in the front room. They were having a baby pillow fight.
They had been playing and laughing and squealing for a good 20 minutes when I came to capture the moment. Hyrum would throw the pillow at Natalie ~
The pillow would bonk her in the head, then Natalie would pick it up and go get revenge on Hyrum.
Are you prepared to feel the wrath of Natalie?
Each time I was surprised she was able to "throw" that pillow at all. But she was able to somehow toss it over her shoulder and have it pat Hyrum ever so gently on his back. But then he would give her a great roar of "HEY!!" and turn her on her heels running away ~
And he'd grab the pillow and toss it at her, and they'd repeat the whole process again.
It was precious to watch. Heaven is here. Love these little moments with them. Thanks for creating it Hyrum! I love it when the kids play together, especially the big kids with their little sisters. Joseph helped Lily read over her kindergarten word list yesterday, and his eyes lit up later as he told me about how she was trying to tell her b's and d's apart. After he told her which one was the b, she made a note at the bottom of her paper by putting "b B" and then "d D" and drawing a circle around each one. Our little Lily is already turning into a good student! Joseph thought it was super cute, and so do I. Love these kids.

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