Friday, October 17, 2014

Smart Kids

It's been nice to not have school the past two days. Sleeping in until 8:00, ahh! I came downstairs this morning and found this little guy reading on the couch:
What are you doing Wesley?!?! Today is not a school day! You should still be sleeping and you should definitely NOT be reading! What, do you think reading is fun or something!?!?
Well, you're right. Reading is fun. I'm glad you've caught the bug. It usually hits our kids around 4th grade that they realize there is magic in reading and you can transport yourself to another world! Wesley's been reading up a storm. He read for like 2 hours on Wednesday after school, 2 hours yesterday, and already in an hour today and it's only 9 in the morning. Good job little buddy. Joseph came down shortly after and ate breakfast and then joined his little brother studying on the couch. Such good kids.
Woah woah, what are YOU doing, Natalie?!?! You're reading too?!?! When did you all become such smartie pants? She's looking at me confused - Mother, where have you been? Don't you know? We've always been smartie pants!
 I love watching her flip through books. So precious. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey lovely letting you know your photos are being used by a fake facebook family claiming your child is theirs. Please feel free to contact me via I have proof if need be.
