Monday, October 20, 2014

Doughnut Falls

I was able to get my 6 trusty companions to go on a hike with me again on Saturday. I looked at my phone as I put Natalie down for a nap at 2:15 and saw that I'd received a text from my little brother at noon, informing me that they were going on a little hike with their kids to Doughnut Falls at 3. I assayed my situation, tested my kid's willingness, and then it was decided and we got on our shoes and headed for the door. Joseph stayed home to do homework, Ethan was at a Airsoft war game. I got Natalie down for a nap again and we headed out.
There were a lot of cars, but timing helped us get a place in the parking lot at just the right moment. Everyone ready? Abi, you set to take on the trail? Mark, set...
It is a very child friendly stroll through the mountains.
25 minutes later we arrived at the falls. Look! A river!
They just can't help themselves.
 Into the river bed they go
I was loving the patterns and line designs in the rocks. We had to head out earlier than they'd like (only 20 minutes to play in the falls) cause Melodie had to be back by 5 to babysit.
We ran down the trail to the car and got back fast enough that we had time to swing by Arctic Circle for twist ice cream cones on the way home (my little reward/bribe in hopes that they'll come with me on future outings. We didn't get anything for the boys at home, too bad for you Joe and Eth if you're reading this! You missed out! So you better come next time!)
More cool rocks on the trail - love the lines!
How are those lines made anyway? Lava? I'm sure I learned that back in high school geology... I shall have to offer myself a refresher course. Just a few shots of the mountains on the drive down the canyon. Here they are with a vibrant color feature...
 And without...
They weren't this gray looking, but they weren't as vibrant as the vibrant pictures show either.
So imagine somewhere in between those two. But even with their colors fading, the mountains and trees are still beautiful!

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