Monday, November 17, 2014

Another Seat At The Table

Looks like someone thinks she's a big girl. Even ready to have her own place at the table... See that little person in the center there? Yup, apparently she's all grown up now.
Isn't that just the cutest sight in the world? Natalie, you are so little! What are you doing at the table? Silly girl, she wouldn't bend her legs when Corey went to put her in the highchair...
So I guess we can move that into storage now. Looks like we're gonna need a bigger table one of these years. As for now, thank goodness for our two benches. This table would not be able to hold 11 chairs around it. But two chairs and two benches, that works.
And with Natalie at the bench I guess that just means we all get to squeeze together a bit more, and that's doable on a bench. Now the big question ~ Natalie, can you even see over your arm when you eat?
Hmm, just barely. It was pretty cute to watch. Good thing it was sticky rice, that helped her get more of it onto her hands and into her mouth. Although she gave a valiant effort with the fork. Monday night is Orange Chicken night, it's a kid favorite. And Natalie likes broccoli.
We'll see how soon she notices that she's getting not getting equal treatment by being served up on a plastic plate! :)

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