Tuesday, November 18, 2014

I Don't Like These Books

This morning I was helping Lily with her reading. And she's a good little reader - she's been an eager kindergatener so far about reading and learning the words. But seriously, these books kill me. And I tried to not let my attitude rub off on her, but I think it's the books fault, cause she's not liking it anymore. Now that the novelty has worn off a bit, they're blocking her loving reading any time soon. I mean you can only read "I am ____ (Sam, Nan, Ann, Mit, Sid, Sis) Meet me." and "See! See it! See it on me." etc so many times without wanting to pull your hair out...
 They introduced a new word "man" in the book we read today, and tried to force all the other words into  stupid sentences that no one would ever use in real life.
I understand the importance of repetition, but people don't talk like this, 5 years old talks better than this. Why are we torturing them. Just looked them up online - yippie for us, there are FIFTY TWO of these that she has to read. Ugh... She has to read these 3 times each and I have to sign that she can read them fluently. She's done pretty good plowing her way through the books until today, but it was like pulling teeth to get her to do it the second and third time. "It makes me tired!" It makes me tired too sweetie.  Torture. I really don't like these books. I think these books are way too dumbed down. And the drawings are pretty ugly too. Mit and Nan below are tolerable. I think Sam and Ann are bad.
Let's give them cute characters or an actual story line or SOMETHING to be excited about. These are just dumb. Ok, there's my rant, just had to get that off my chest.

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