Saturday, November 1, 2014

Ensign Peak

Another Saturday, another family outing! 
This makes 4 for 4!! Way to go, Me! October helped us out a lot to make this milestone. (It helps that October is my favorite color!) First, we did Red Pine, then Doughnut Falls, then Vista Mound barefoot, and today we did it with shoes and made it all the way to the top of Ensign Peak! 
That is a windy mountain top. Once you come over the northwest side onto the top, the gusts of wind just start hitting ya.
We were a little worried that someone would be sent over the hillside. Had to keep an eye and a hand on the little ones.
Don't blow away Sophi!!!

(That's a windy peak!)
 Natalie felt like she was going on some super fast car ride or something - hold on tight!!

It was fun, I love family outings. And the cherry on top:
Best picture in the world is a dad walking with his little girls.

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