Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Everything's Amazing

Last Wednesday Corey left for Brazil. Flight to Dallas first, then he was on his way to Sao Paulo. We called during his connection in Dallas, then he got on the plane and I thought I'd talk to him in the morning. So we said goodbye but then he was on skype again ~ He had internet on the plane! So amazing. So here's our thought for the day, I thought it was great - 

So funny! So I'm on day 6 of Corey gone, only 4 to go, and life is amazing. I have food, water, shelter, electricity, transportation, every convenience this world has to offer. So while I miss Corey, I won't complain. It's all amazing - he's able to travel across the world and come back in 10 days. In Mary Williamson's day it would have taken 2 years, right? AND I would have been trying to run my family and a farm from a little log house. I've got it good. So I'm gonna go do great things with the amazing things that surround me that I take for granted (like disposable diapers, come here Natalie...)