Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Hump Day

It's Wednesday - which means if I can survive today, then I can coast downhill to the weekend. Pre-Friday is tomorrow, then Friday, which is always a happy day, and then Saturday and Corey will be back, yay! So, to survive the day: Carpool (check) kindergarten (check) and then scouts for Wes and Band for the boys at the same time. Might be skipping Scouts, we'll see if Wes remembers and if he can get a ride home with someone... 

So for carpool in the morning, my mom helped out by coming over to take Hyrum again, since he and the Jr. High crowd both have jazz band before school - hard to drive two kids to two different schools at the same time. But this is the last day Joseph and Ethan have jazz band. Tomorrow they have it after school. So that's all done - 

What else. Yesterday I ran Hyrum to Costco to get his passport picture taken. All the other kids got their passports in the mail except him - he got a letter asking us to retake his photo. I guess it was too small? They said his eyes were closed, but they weren't, but maybe the glasses were kinda in the way, so I hope the new photo gets approved, but I thought it looked about the same, doh. Maybe we'll have him take it without his glasses if that one doesn't work. We brought home muffins as an after school snack. This is how the kids eat snacks:
You'll see there we've got a kid on either side sitting in the windows and a baby on the table.
Natalie was destroying her muffin and going for more. Ethan blinked and she got his. But he thought it was funny so he teased to see if she'd go for more.
Gotta stay on your toes with this little busy body on the prowl.
She's always on the go, I can't keep on top of the mess!
We all just kinda watched her and laughed about how cute she was, sitting in her greasy muffin crumbs.
"Oh! She's so cute!"

Joseph doing what one of the kids usually does - destroy something with a knife. Just because. 
Ethan was singing "Peeta's Song" as he ate - "Girl I got yo back, hm!" Mel is jammin' with him.
They've been singing these Studio C songs pretty much non stop the past week. Those parody's are pretty funny if you haven't seen them, go check it out. (We love Studio C!)
And Lily tripped as she came home from school yesterday - got a good fat upper lip. She's a tough little kid.

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