Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Family Scripture Time

On Sunday we started reading the Book of Mormon together as a family. Usually for scripture time I just read and share something and try to help the kids can see how it applies to their life. After reading Nienie's post about how they just finished reading the Book of Mormon together as a family, I thought it would be a great family goal for us in 2015. Then I thought it would be fun to give ourselves a head start on the year, so we started Sunday. First I had to collect enough books for us for everyone to follow along...
I had been grabbing Book of Mormon books every time I go thrift shopping (free at DI) so now I've got 11 paper back copies in one room, and 11 hard back copies in the front room, which is where we tend to do most of our family reading. So, yeah! Should be fun!
Last night and this morning I made bookmarks for everyone.
And after a few days and a few hundred times of telling each person where we were on the page when we were starting again, I decided and hope that a post it note will help each person. A book mark to mark the page, post it to mark the verse. They can put the post it on their book mark while we read and then put it on the verse that we finish on.
We might cut out pictures from old church magazines to decorate the bookmarks with or something. I love these little stamper markers. Mine are by Cra-Z art, but I can't see them online anywhere. I bought them a few years ago. Similar to these. I'm a bit stamp happy. A place for everything and everything in its place!

We are headed up to Bear Lake to night for the holiday weekend. :)

Update: Kids had fun swimming tonight. Sophia enjoyed the 2 ft. deep kiddie pool.
Corey got attacked , which usually happens when he goes swimming with the kids. I came over to do a quick photo documentation then headed back to the room with Natalie.

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