Tuesday, November 25, 2014

We Love Natalie

I know I probably post more pictures of Natalie than anyone else in our family.... but it's just that she's so stinkin' cute. And I'm not the only one that is crazy about her, all the kids are. So here are Natalie's top cute moments from yesterday:
She folded her arms for prayer before dinner (yes I was peeking to try and capture the moment)
And then I had everyone pretend they were praying again so I could try to get another shot.
Isn't that just so cute how she holds her elbows!! Love those chubby arms. And then during the opening and closing credits of Studio C last night, Natalie started doing her little jig dance and so we turned the tv up really loud and joined in:
She was squealing and giggling and laughing so hard, it makes us all laugh too. So we just watched the new episode, but had to watch the beginning of the rerun that comes right after, just so we could all sing and dance with Natalie again.
We got in our FHE lesson before Studio C, which usually doesn't happen. It helped that Hyrum didn't have band cause of the Thanksgiving Holiday. Nice to have a short break. Plus these short daylight hours helps us get the dinner and night time routine going like around 5 (well, when I've got my act together). :)